Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Teaching with Intention Ch. 1

I have decided to participate in the Teaching with Intention book study over the summer. It kicks off today with Ch. 1. Each week there will be a different chapter hosted by 3 different bloggers, the whole thing is being coordinated by Kindergarten Smorgasboard

This week is being hosted by

Mrs. Plemons' Kindergarten

Primary Possibilities

 Enchanted Kindergarten

So hop on over to their blogs and join in!!!

Chapter one is all about the ideal classroom. Read below to find out about mine!!!!
 It has taken me years to figure this one out. Each year I feel like I learn a little more about myself and the student population I teach. My son also plays a huge role in what I think a classroom should look like. I like for a classroom to have consistency. I prefer rooms that use one or two colors throughout. I think this cuts down on the distraction level and makes the room look cleaner. I also feel like an ideal classroom is very organized but in a child friendly sort of way. Things should be labeled and if materials are for student use they should be within student reach. All furniture should be low, so that it can be seen over and is easily reached. An ideal classroom always has a steady hum of sound. The students are working and talking about their learning. The teacher and students are engaged in conversation. It will always feel warm and welcoming to anyone that comes in.
 The students and teachers are learning. In an ideal classroom the teacher is learning from the students just as they learn from her/him. There is always conversations and discussions happening between teacher and students, as well as, students with other students. Everyone in the room is actively participating in learning. The students all have an understanding of expectations and consequences. They are engaged and full of enjoyment.
 I have a red/black themed room I understand that having everything color coded can get expensive, so I work on it a little each year. My classroom is very organized and structured. Expectations are clear and students all understand they are part of the family with responsibilities in the classroom. I use only low furniture so that it can be used anywhere in the classroom. The majority of our day is spent in small group work where students work together and with me.
The sound. I tend to be easily distracted by conversations (as in I hear all conversations happening around me, and don't focus on the one I am in!) I want my students constantly engaged and working together, but I have to be careful that it is not a distraction for me and the students that are like me!

See you next Wednesday for Chapter 2!!


Primary Possibilities said...

I had to work over the last three years to get my room in the color scheme I wanted. I'm almost there! I agree about the distraction, I tend to get off track sometimes and have to get back on it... especially with discussion time!

Primary Possibilities

Cassandra said...

I love that you said that the teacher will learn from the students, just as the students will learn form the teacher. This is so true! Our students have so much to teach us, and their brains are all wired differently! It is great to hear from many different students on how they would solve the problem! Thank you for sharing!

Mrs. 3rd Grade 

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