Monday, January 16, 2012

A Day In My Shoes

Over at Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher she is hosting her first linky. She wants us all to share a day in our shoes. I am loving reading about every one's day, so I thought I would join in. You should too!

I debated what time to start my day, so I will start in the very first hour!!!

12:00 Little Sissy wakes up for a feeding!
3:00 AM Little Sissy wakes up for a feeding!
5:30 AM The alarm clock goes off, I shower and get ready as much as I can before...
6:00 AM Little Sissy wakes up for a feeding!
6:30 AM I finish getting ready and put something in the crock pot for dinner that night and pack a lunch.
7:00 AM The babysitter arrives, we run through what kind of night Little Sissy and Bubby had and what I need her to clean for the day (I am so extremely blessed, you can all hate for a second if you want!)
7:10 AM I am on the road to school. I usually talk to my mom. We only live 45 seconds from each other, but when I lived 3 1/2 hours away we talked every morning on my way to work, so we just continued with the tradition.
7:30 AM I arrive at school. Put away all my things and turn on the computer. I pass out morning work, put the lunch count up on the SMART board, and make sure everything is ready to go. I try to run down to the cafe and get some tea in my cup, but I usually get distracted talking on my way.
8:00 AM The students are released to our classrooms. They come in, put their backpacks away, turn in their folders, and do their lunch count. They sit down and start their morning work and wait on the morning news to start.
8:10 AM Our fifth grade does a morning news program (Kindergarten does the weather!)
8:20 AM We have our morning meeting. We go through our calendar and sing songs about the days, months, letters, and numbers. We also celebrate birthdays and kiddos  with missing teeth!
8:40 AM We begin our reading lesson for the day. We go through a PowerPoint where we talk about our reading strategy, read our story, practice our Popcorn words, and review our letter of the week. We also sing a few songs (phonics songs, vocabulary songs, and a letter song).
9:00 AM I go pump, because Little Sissy is having a feeding!
9:15 AM The students go to literacy centers. They begin at their must do center and as they finish they have two choice centers to go to. During this time I am pulling reading groups.
10:00 AM We have a snack time.
10:15 AM We start math. Right now it is just a boring chunk of time, stay tuned for Wednesday's post where I share how I am about to change my kids math worlds!!!!
11:10 AM Bathroom Breaks
11:20 AM LUNCH, which means wonderful time with my coworkers just talking!
11:50 AM Pick up kiddos from the cafe and do a really quick lunch break
12:00 Students are off to related arts (art, library, PE, music, guidance, computer lab) and I am off to pump because Little Sissy is having a feeding!
1:00 Kiddos are back so we have a quick bathroom break and have our ISE time, which is Intervention and Enrichment. My assistant pulls some of my students for extra help, and the rest of us spend more time on grammar and writing. I also do some of the fun things I find on blogland during this time!
1:50 Recess, which means more chatting with my wonderful fellow teachers!
2:20 Back inside for restroom break and rest time
2:45 Time to pack up and get ready for the end of the day
3:00 Car riders leave with the assistants and I take the bus riders out to get on the bus before the bigger kids rush out! Then I run back in to..can you guess...pump, because Little Sissy is having a feeding!
3:00-4:00 Get some work done that I didn't finish during planning and set up for the day
4:00 Head home, talk to the babysitter about how Little Sissy and Bubby's day went. Then spend some quality time with my two favorite people in the world.
5:00 Get dinner ready
6:00 Hubs gets home and we all eat dinner, even Little Sissy gets a feeding!
7:00 Bedtime routine starts, bath if the babysitter didn't have to do them already (Bubby is a messy eater!), story and cuddle time
8:00 In a dream world Bubby would be asleep but in reality he is still cuddling
9:00 Hubs takes Bubby to his crib for the night and Little Sissy gets a feeding! This is when I relax and get some blog stalking and posting done.
10:00 Hubs and I head to bed, I would like to go earlier but never seem ready.

So that's my day. I am still waiting for the day when Little Sissy doesn't eat every 3 hours on the dot, but for now we just work through it! Today is a day off for me, but I had the babysitter come any way so I could nap and go to a doctors appointment. My nap was wonderful!


Heather's Heart said...

I love that the kiddos help with the mornng news and weather!

Thank you for sharing about a day in your shoes! I am your newest follower and would love for you to come visit me! =)

Heather's Heart

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

Sounds like you have a packed day! I too love the morning news! Such a fun idea!

Thanks for linking up!
Miss Klohn
Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

Anonymous said...

You are so brave! You have a lot on your plate, pumping while working is not easy, I know, I did it too. Thumbs up!