Okay so starting at the top I have an empty box that I couldn't decide what I wanted to put there. I am thinking next week I may put a verse from this weeks Bible study. Then I have my One Little Word for the month of January (I may keep it all year or change it if I feel I need a new focus!) I have an inspirational quote (this one just so happens to relate to my OLW). The note to self box is empty, I left it that way so if I needed to make a note or reminder to myself I could write it in, I may do another quote in the future since I have so much space other places!
Moving down on the left side is a place for two checklists. The top one I have listed some things I need to pick up when I go out. The bottom one I have listed my color code. I picked my color code for specific reasons like C's favorite color is orange, Jamberry's color is purple so I don't really need this to remind me!
Each day is divided into three sections and I can label them however I want. I picked Family, School, Jamberry. I may end up giving C his own section and combine Family and School, since he has the busiest schedule of us all. You can see the color code in effect here. I am going to have to add a doggy color because with Happy coming there will be even more grooming, vet, and training visits. I am thinking of doing dog related stickers to mark the things for Happy and Cooper instead of a specific color.
At the bottom I used washi tape to cover the label boxes above each section, because I am using each line of that for something different. I wrote on it the things that I am putting down there, but I didn't use a good pen for washi so I need to get a new one for that. So in this section in the first box I wrote what we will be having for dinner each night. This is important because I have started doing freezer meals and need to remember to thaw them!! They only work if you remember to thaw them!!! Second I have my team retail volume for Jamberry. I check it in the morning during breakfast and write it in. I am really wanting to promote and earn a trip to Hawaii in 2016 so I am monitoring this closely this year! On the 3rd line I have whatever I read in my Bible study for that day. That is another goal for this year, to be faithful in Bible study. The last line I am writing in my calorie count for the day. A couple years ago I had a friend use one of those fancy scales and tell me what calorie count I needed to eat per day to lose weight. I did that and I ran a good amount and LOST weight. Then life got crazy, I quit counting, I quit running, and the weight came back!! SOOO I want my healthy lifestyle back. It wasn't a diet. I didn't change what stuff I ate, I just watched my portion sizes and made a few better choices (like skipping dessert or running that day if I wanted dessert). I use My Fitness Pal on my phone to keep track of my calories but I find it helpful to write down that final number each night.
That is pretty much it. This week was a little boring because the kids and I didn't have school and C is on a break from all his therapy (which has meant lots of meltdowns!!!) I am excited to go back to a regular schedule next week for all of us!
Please share with me your planners and how you stay organized! See you next Saturday for Week 2!!!